
IGCSE Social Studies

Discover the complexities of society, politics, and global issues with Edufit Tutoring’s specialized academic support for IGCSE Social Studies.

Our tutoring is tailored to help students develop a deep understanding of social, cultural, economic, and political phenomena.


IGCSE Social Studies encompasses the study of various disciplines, including geography, history, economics, and political science. At Edufit Tutoring, we offer a comprehensive program to help students explore these subjects and excel in their exams.

Key Topics Covered in IGCSE Social Studies:

  • Geography: Physical and human geography, environmental issues
  • History: Historical events, key figures, and civilizations
  • Economics: Basic economic principles, market systems, and global trade
  • Political Science: Government structures, political ideologies, and international relations

Exam Pattern:

The IGCSE Social Studies exam typically consists of multiple components, including written papers, research projects, and case studies. It assesses students’ understanding of key concepts, analytical skills, and ability to apply knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Why Choose Edufit:

  1. Experienced Tutors: Our tutors are experienced educators with a strong background in social studies disciplines, providing expert guidance and support.
  2. Holistic Approach: We adopt a holistic approach to teaching, integrating multiple disciplines and encouraging critical thinking, analysis, and reflection.
  3. Interactive Learning: Our engaging teaching methods, interactive activities, and multimedia resources enhance students’ learning experience and retention of knowledge.


Embark on your journey to success in IGCSE Social Studies with Edufit Tutoring! Our comprehensive program, experienced tutors, and interactive learning approach are meticulously crafted to help you achieve academic excellence.

Sign up for a Free Demo today and experience firsthand how our tutoring program can make a difference in your understanding of social studies disciplines.

Course Features

  • Lectures 14
  • Quizzes 0
  • Duration 70 hours
  • Skill level All levels
  • Language English
  • Students 0
  • Assessments Yes